Wolston Priory, where the last of the Marprelate tracts were printed.
The Marprelate tracts are among the most interesting anonymous works of the Elizabethan period. The identity of their author has always been a mystery. However, internal evidence in the tracts (including a slip in the Protestation in which Martin speaks of himself "and other great men") renders it almost certain that he was Edward De Vere (1550-1604), 17th Earl of Oxford.
Click here for an introduction setting out the reasons for attributing authorship to Oxford, genealogical charts showing Oxford's relationship to persons connected with the tracts, a note on the secret press, a chronology of the printing of the tracts, photographs of locations connected with the tracts, a list of clerics Oxford may have known personally, and a bibliography.
Click here for modern spelling editions of the Marprelate tracts and other documents related to the Marprelate tracts.
For additional discussion of the Marprelate tracts, click here.
Certain Mineral And Metaphysical School-Points
Just Censure And Reproof Of Martin Junior
ANTI-MARPRELATE TRACTS (written by Martin Marprelate to throw his pursuers off the trail)
Countercuff Given To Martin Junior
Rhythms Against Martin Marprelate
First Part Of Pasquil's Apology
OTHER TRACTS which Leland H. Carlson has suggested were written by Martin Marprelate
Answer To Certain Pieces Of A Sermon
Exhortation To The Bishops To Deal Brotherly With Their Brethren
Exhortation To The Bishops And Their Clergy
Second Admonition To The Parliament
Certain Articles Collected
Friendly Caveat To Bishop Sands
State Of The Church Of England Laid Open (Diotrephes' Dialogue)
Dialogue Wherein Is Plainly Laid Open
Master Some Laid Open In His Colours [Excerpt]
Last will and testament, dated 1 August 1490, of Thomas Peyton, a descendant of Robert de Vere, 3rd Earl of Oxford, whose niece, Elizabeth Peyton Wigston, was the mother of Roger Wigston at whose home, Wolston Priory, the last two Marprelate tracts, the Theses Martinianae and the Just Censure and Reproof of Martin Junior, were printed on a secret press in July 1589
Last will and testament, dated 31 May 1494, of Sir William Calthorpe, whose daughter, Anne Calthorpe, was the grandmother of Anthony Crane, husband of 'Mistress Crane', at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 6 August 1503, of Elizabeth Hussey, grandmother of 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 18 January and 18 March 1518, of Sir Robert Peyton, grandfather of Roger Wigston at whose home, Wolston Priory, the last two Marprelate tracts were printed on a secret press in July 1589
Last will and testament, dated 1 May 1518, of Sir Robert Throckmorton, whose great-grandson, Job Throckmorton, assisted with the printing of the Marprelate tracts
Last will and testament, dated 4 May 1526, of William, Lord Willoughby, uncle of 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 22 January 1529, of Sir Richard Knightley, at the home of whose grandson, Sir Richard Knightley, Martin Marprelate's Epitome was printed on the secret press in November 1588
Last will and testament, dated 1 August 1529, of Sir Robert Clere, grandfather of Roger Wigston at whose home, Wolston Priory, the last two Marprelate tracts were printed on a secret press in July 1589
Last will and testament, dated 17 June 1532, of Sir William Spencer, whose wife's nephew was Sir Richard Knightley, at whose home at Fawsley, Northamptonshire, Martin Marprelate's Epitome was printed in November 1588
Last will and testament, dated 29 March 1537, of Richard Knightley, at the home of whose nephew, Sir Richard Knightley, Martin Marprelate's Epitome was printed on the secret press in November 1588
Last will and testament, dated 4 November 1542, of Roger Wigston, grandfather of Roger Wigston at whose home, Wolston Priory, the last two Marprelate tracts were printed on a secret press in July 1589, and whose daughters married into the family of Henry Higford or Hugford, town clerk of Stratford upon Avon who sued John Shakespeare
Last will and testament, dated 31 August 1543, of Elizabeth (nee Throckmorton) Englefield, great-aunt of Job Throckmorton, who assisted with the printing of the Marprelate tracts in 1589
Last will and testament, dated 1 March 1545, of Lady Anne Hussey, aunt of 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 19 November 1545, of Sir Robert Hussey, father of 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 21 November 1545, of Elizabeth Clere Peyton, grandmother of Roger Wigston at whose home, Wolston Priory, the last two Marprelate tracts were printed on a secret press in July 1589
Last will and testament, dated 27 February 1550, of Robert Crane, whose son, Anthony Crane, was the husband of 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 10 July 1551, of Nicholas Hussey, brother of 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 20 July 1552, of Sir George Throckmorton, grandfather of both Oxford's friend, Arthur Throckmorton, and of Job Throckmorton, who assisted with the printing of the Marprelate tracts in 1589
Last will and testament, dated 2 April 1559, of Francis Clopton, whose wife, Bridget Crane, was the niece of Anthony Crane, first husband of ‘Mistress Crane’, at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 26 December 1564, of Sir Valentine Knightley, father of Sir Richard Knightley at whose home at Fawsley Martin Marprelate's Epitome was printed in November 1588
Last will and testament, dated 8 February 1571, of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, father of Oxford's friend, Arthur Throckmorton, and uncle of Job Throckmorton, who assisted with the printing of the Marprelate tracts in 1589
Last will and testament, dated 18 December 1575, of Anthony Carleton, whose younger brother, George Carleton, married Elizabeth Hussey, the 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed on a secret press in October 1588
Lichfield Record Office 1577 B/C/11
Last will and testament, dated 12 October 1577, of Sir William Wigston, father of Roger Wigston, at whose home, Wolston Priory, the last two Marprelate tracts, the Theses Matinianae and the Just Censure and Reproof of Martin Junior, were printed on a secret press in July 1589
Lichfield Record Office 1579 B/C/11
Last will and testament, dated 12 October 1578, of Elizabeth Peyton Wigston, mother of Roger Wigston, at whose home, Wolston Priory, the last two Marprelate tracts, the Theses Matinianae and the Just Censure and Reproof of Martin Junior, were printed on a secret press in July 1589
Last will and testament, dated 6 February 1581, of Sir Robert Throckmorton, uncle of Oxford's friend, Arthur Throckmorton, and uncle of Job Throckmorton, who assisted with the printing of the Marprelate tracts in 1589
Last will and testament, dated 3 September 1586, of Mary Throckmorton, whose uncle, George Puttenham, in The Arte of English Poesie, named Oxford among court poets who have written 'excellently well', and whose first cousin, Job Throckmorton, assisted with the printing of the Marprelate tracts in 1589
Nuncupative will, dated 16 August 1583, of Anthony Crane, whose wife, Elizabeth, was the 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 6 September 1586, of Charles Hussey 'the younger', whose sister, Elizabeth, was the 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 1 January 1590, of George Carleton, whose third wife, Elizabeth, was the 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed by Robert Waldegrave on a secret press in October 1588
Last will and testament, dated 4 October 1591, of Elizabeth Golding, wife of Oxford's maternal uncle, Sir Thomas Golding, whose sister-in-law was the mother of Job Throckmorton, who assisted with the printing of the Marprelate tracts in 1589
Last will and testament, dated 22 September 1602 and 7 July 1604, of Sir William Browne, whose stepsister, Dorothy Vernon, married Job Throckmorton, who assisted with the printing of the Marprelate tracts in 1589
Last will and testament, dated 30 July 1614, of Lord Burghley's long-time servant, Sir Walter Cope, whose stepfather, George Carleton (see above) married 'Mistress Crane' at whose manor of East Molesey the first of the Marprelate tracts was printed in October 1588